Harry Potter Fanfiction Wiki

Chapter 8: Scary Glaring chapter

  • Cowboy music:

Dun Dun Dun (zoom in of teddy's eyes) derrrrrrrrrr Dun dun Dun (Zoom in of Hugo's eyes) derrrrrrrrrrrr Dun Dun Dun (zoom in of teddy's wand) derrrrrrrrrr Dun Dun Dun (Zoom in of Hugo's Wand) derrrrrrrrrrrr

"that it's not helping" Mary Slapped John around the face as he conducted the choir.

Teddy made his way to the hufflepuff table and looked Hugo face to face and said (after hugo's scream)

"You've (arghhhhhh) got (arghhhhhh) Mustard on your top (Arghh-huh)"

Hugo checked his top and there was the deadliest thing on earth Mustard. Hugo screamed again "Oy he's not gonna kill ya mate calm yourself down" John told Hugo.

Hugo ran around madly for no reason then later after he cleared it up he explained to John,Mary,Lily and Teddy he was alergic to Mustard.

"Anyway! I'm here to ask you a big favour?" Teddy asked Hugo "

If it's Money im broke" Hugo replied

"Well actully-"

"Im as broke as a glass cup that felt on concrete"

"Well actully i need you to do a job! a very important job"

"Im In if it includes money and i bet so are they" John and others nodded

"Well its to find out who tried to suck my blood and yours. and you'd get more than 6 galleons!"

"Im in!"

"I know that his family links back to ancient times near Robin Hood. The fat Friar might help you, he has been singing a thing called the Ballad of Robin Hood for centuries! well he should know ALOT about it he's Friar Tuck! Anyway the MOM (Ministry of Magic) doesn't know i left so i should be zapped out of here any moment so heres the plan"

Teddy handed Hugo a piece of paper with writing "and hopefully we'll work again! but if theres one thing you must remember its" Then he disappeared "woops sorry sliped on Pizza its that don't ever let him bite you. Oh is that meat feast give me some!" Just as he was about to take it he got Zapped out of there

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